This will be short and sweet as we are just heading to the airport in Hong Kong to begin our journey home.  It's been a wonderful holiday and I plan on doing a short recap when I get home.  Our bed awaits!

The last two days have been lumped together because they pretty much have been carbon copies of each other… food, swim, food, swim, doze, food. The resort isn’t very full and so we can always find great seats by the pool. They have a very effective and efficient service method here in which you raise a little flag by your chair if you want them to come over. It stops them from having c slideto constantly ask if you need something, and it stops the patrons from being bothered unnecessarily. Everyone is so friendly and their food and drinks are so delicious. We have eaten our weight in chicken satay, and they have every flavour of mojito under the sun. What more could you ask for? (Wait, I just thought of something – free foot massages!)

As for the pools – divine. The temperature is like bath water and there are little waterfalls everywhere which add to the ambiance. There is a family area with waterslides (a little one for toddlers, and two large ones for the more adventurous). The kids had a blast flying off the slides and it is such a fun addition to the resort.

beachWe made sure to get down to the beach today to dip our toes in the Indian Ocean. The beach is expansive and gorgeous, but there is black volcanic sand mixed in so it is extremely hot on your feet. We only walked in to the water ankle deep and we understood why they had the flags out indicating no swimming allowed – the pull of the tide was very strong even at that depth!

On our last evening the kids really wanted to ‘night swim’, and so after dinner they got back in to their damp suits and had the pool to themselves. It’s nice that the pools are open 24 hours night swimat this resort – we have been to many places around the world and they often seem to close the pool at 6 pm. Although it was extremely dark, the temperature still hovered around 30C and was very humid.

Later today we catch a plane back to Hong Kong; we will be there for one quick night to say goodbye to Jennie and Scott and collect the belongings we left there. As Julia was getting ready for bed last night she mentioned that she would sleep in Bali, then Hong Kong, then an airplane, and finally her own bed. Crazy. Where has the time gone?


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