Scotland.  Funny how when you think of a place it's the stereotypes that stand out.  I know I won't be encountering many kilt wearing bagpipers with one hand full of haggis and the other holding a glass of whiskey, but that's what pops into my mind when I think of Scotland.  Just like many people may imagine Mounties in red outfits riding on a moose through frozen tundra when they think of Canada.  (I have yet to see that in my life, but boy would that be interesting!) And I know for a fact that England isn't full of tweed jacketed men smoking a pipe and shouting out "Jolly Good!" to passerby's in double decker buses while making a call from a fancy red phone booth.  But still, it's hard not to go there…

And go there I will, in 4 short days.  So now the last minute prep begins… the printing of documents and throwing around of clothes.  Emptying the fridge, cancelling the newspaper, charging batteries and scrounging for mini tubes of toothpaste.  I have little scraps of paper all over the place reminding me not to forget various items, you'd think I've never done this before!  I fear I'm getting a bit more complacent with each trip we take…

Oh wow, have I ever let time get away from me.  My last previous blog was in March?!  We leave for our trip in exactly 5 weeks and I'm feeling a tad less organized then I usually am at this point in time.  I think I'm having a bit of a mental block because I'm completely unsure as to what to wear to a Scottish wedding, and perhaps I'm devoting too much of my brain energy towards this and less (ie - none) towards figuring out what we want to do while we're there. 

Jeff is most likely going to wear a kilt and has been informed that you MUST be commando underneath it or risk offending the true Scots.  I wonder if they check or just go on the honor system?  I will be wearing a fancy hat or fascinator (I'll buy it when we get there to avoid having to carry it on my lap on the plane!) but the dress is another thing.  Not that I need to be the Queen or anything, but it will be more formal than a wedding here where you can get away with a nice skirt and top.  I'm sure anything we wear will be fine (we can blame it on being foreigners) but I'd like to look the part as much as possible.  Worse case scenario is I'll buy something there, but I'd really prefer to not spend my time in a shop when I could be sitting in a pub eating fish and chips!

I have already looked up the British Airways in flight entertainment options for next month to start pre-planning my on board movie watching.  Yes, I am a loser.  I hate wasting time flipping through all the choices and like to get started right away!  Why not use the internet to your advantage?  (I am trying to justify my insanity.)


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